Sunday, 27 April 2014

Mother- in- laws

how often have you heard both men and women moaning about their mother in laws ? 
How many people do you hear singing the praises of their Mother in laws ?
I can pretty honestly say I very rarely hear good things about other peoples mother in laws 
so why write this blog ?
well read on 

Tuesday, 22 April 2014

I wonder if you still blame me

My heart hurts 
a nagging worry in my mind 
this is not a blog for those that have triggers please bear that in mind 

Friday, 18 April 2014

AGHHHHH make my head stop

If there was ever a time my life felt normal I would love to remember when .. 
My earliest memories are not the most pleasant,
my late teens were an alcohol fueled chaos 
my  early 20's saw the birth of my children but also a very unhappy marriage 
which had many lows and not very many highs.
When I met my current husband the years of damage caused by others 
has made everyday life lets just say a little tricky.
Now in my last few months of my 30's I can't help but wonder was I always destined to feel like this. 
I often joke that I would hate to be normal but in actual fact I would love to have some resemblance of 
what most would call a normal life.

Tuesday, 15 April 2014

keeping up with the girls ... school holidays and MS

now that I got my last blog off my chest 
Here is the blog that I have been working on since last week, 

Its funny because this one has taken me over a week to perfect but the one before this I typed up in an hour 
go figure !

Monday, 14 April 2014

Some things just baffle me .......... ok I am moaning

I have never been one to profess that I understand the human mind and believe that to the best part it is a case of each to their own. We all have our own way of dealing with things and if it helps and causes no harm to others or yourself then all is good.

Monday, 7 April 2014

Thinking about the things my daughters have said and having a giggle

I was sitting thinking to myself about the things my girls have said 
and having a good chuckle about some of them 
so I thought I would share 

Saturday, 5 April 2014

Living with MS .......... its harder than you think

Its been a week of ups and downs for me, 
but the hardest part is never knowing 
if the next day will be a good bad or indifferent day ! 
My heart goes out to many of my friends and fellow MS sufferers and their families. 
I know I have it easy compared to some and worse than others 
but the we all have one thing more than the MS in common ................................

Thursday, 3 April 2014

Tin foil roses a tutorial ....... finally

Simple Stunning and Sparkly 
all the things this lady likes
This Tutorial is just from me doing my thing I'm no teacher neither am I trained to do these things 
I am a crafter ! and I have learnt how to do these things by research and trial and error 
I just thought I would share my way of doing these fab roses with you.