Tuesday, 15 April 2014

keeping up with the girls ... school holidays and MS

now that I got my last blog off my chest 
Here is the blog that I have been working on since last week, 

Its funny because this one has taken me over a week to perfect but the one before this I typed up in an hour 
go figure !

Any hoots 
here is what I have been preparing for you lovely people 

Anyone with MS or any condition that causes chronic fatigue or pain may dread the school holidays just like I used to.
 These days I do my best to balance health, finances and keeping the kids entertained. 
Getting myself worked up about how I would cope would in the end make matters worse 
so I came up with a plan. 
So I thought I would share my experiences with you 
maybe it will help you or someone you know feel better and help them find their own balance. 

Anyone with a chronic condition will know that pushing to hard will end in disaster
but what if it was to be the parent you used to be ?
to not let your children down?

What if I told you that you are the the same parent you were 
you can do more than you think 
and ..........................
if you do it right 
you will not burn out on day 1 

its taken me 3 years but by golly I have found my own solution 

Until about 3 or 4 years ago I have always worked hard and point blank refused to listen
to my body as it began to show signs of what was to come.
I had battled through cancer, dodgy joints multiple surgeries, mental health issues since a young age 
but earning money and giving my girls the best life that I could possibly give them was my driving force.
Friends and family warn you to slow down before you break down and not make a rod for your own back with your children ...
(such a strange saying that one don't you think?) 

Then it happened ........... March 2011 
my legs stopped working properly 
to begin with I had limited mobility with the aid of sticks 
but nothing hit me harder than the tiredness 
I felt like for every step I look I needed a 20 minute nap. 
All this from someone who has always been and still is an insomniac.
(but the reason for that is a different story)
That 1st school holiday was a disaster !
I was still trying to do my old job 
but I was exhausted and nothing was going right for me.
Every job I did exhausted me but I needed to work to earn the money to take the kids out.
Now please don't get me wrong hubby has always worked
he has always made sure we had a roof over our heads food in our tummy
we were not wanting for anything we were not rich but we were comfortable and the money I earn't was not needed per-se but paid for the extras - taking the kids out etc 
Anyone with a child will tell you that there is no such thing as a FREE day out during the holidays
yes you can 
 get Free entry
you can take a packed lunch
after the free entry
you have stands selling every thing from 
sweets to novelty clothing and more 
then there are the rides 
how long can a parent resist and say no to their little angels 
by the time you have been there an hour you have spent £10 
as everything costs double what it would normally be.
Having 4 daughters I learnt long ago a day out with them
although fun and totally worth every penny 

The problem was I hadn't learnt to listen to my body 
so I worked hard then crashed hard, the girls didn't really understand
and got upset when I was too exhausted to drive them to their favorite places for the day
which in turn upset me causing my depression to spiral
I was caught in ever decreasing circles of trying and failing. 

When the next holidays came round I felt obligated to make it up to them 
so I worked and saved before the holidays so that I could  take them out without the worry of having to work at the same time.

This also turned out to be a huge mistake 
1st day out was fab spent an entire day at the beach with the girls 
The next day the day I had planned to take them to the Zoo
When I finally awoke I couldn't move,
  the pain the tiredness was just too much 
the girls had been promised a better holiday this time
but there it was again disappointment.

I tried over every holiday to find a balance 
it was a nightmare 
then one day it hit me 

Explain to the girls that things were different 
explain what was happening to my body 
ask them what they enjoyed doing 

It was then and only then 
that I was amazed at what they already knew and what they understood of what was happening to me

Finally we had a plan 
one that we all knew would work 

and this was it 

day 1 of holidays -- plan our week but with allowances for hiccups 
make a big chart with all the fun things to do over the holidays

what surprised me was what they chose to do

a trip out to maybe the Zoo or the seaside

a duvet and DVD day

arts and crafts day 

a trip to nanny and pops house

Karaoke and games on the xbox day

McDonalds takeaway

it was then I realised that I didn't have to kill myself to give my girls what they wanted 
they didn't need to go out everyday 
What they really wanted was to spend time with me 
be that resting under the duvet watching DVD's 
or out and about taking it easy enjoying the day! 

Now days they argue over who is going to push me in the wheelchair while we are out each of them taking the time to show me who they are as people 
surviving the school holidays 

I love my 4 girls and hubby more than words can say they save me daily 
FAMILY is our legacy 
be true to yours always 

Kayla x 

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