Monday, 7 April 2014

it can be a lonely world at times......... looking at the world through my eyes

looking at the world through my eyes 
a world that seems to divide
I open my eyes there is pain
I try to escape 
there is no way
I take the remedies 
I do as I'm told 
but there it is waiting for me .

I never asked for what I've been given
I've fought so hard
but I am never forgiven
I don't know what I did to get this way 
I behaved, I played, I loved and I forgave 
was it my past that gave me my future 
I cant escape this pain. 

 I sit and try to relax, I lay and try to sleep 
my brain it never shuts up 
and the bugs! they crawl over me 
when I look there is nothing to see 
all I find is whats used to be me,
but its different as its not what you see
its what it feels like to me.

I venture off into the world 
my body is screaming it doesn't think the same way as me.
I see my friends, I enjoy retail therapy 
I'm hurting, I'm tired, I want to sleep
I see an acquaintance
we natter a bit 
they tell me I look well 
I could really scream but politely I thank them 
as they can't see the battle inside .....
me vs me.

I never give up 
I fight and I fight! I will keep up this battle 
they will find a cure 
a way to be free 
of this battle that rages in me. 

My friends may avoid me 
I learn't that lesson fast 
people cant face the changes 
of what this does to me 
my family has bonded and battled with me 
they remain strong 
when I get weak
as they understand the battle I fight inside of me.

Missed out on parties and meet ups with friends 
those that get me they understand that battle is tiring 
and I don't always win and I take a beating 
somethings I have lost 
but deep down inside I am still me 
my legs are now wheels 
I get my words wrong 
I could sleep for a month 
if the insomnia gives me a break 
and my brain shuts up
and the tremors they stop. 

It can be a lonely world at times 
when you look through my eyes 
I have so much to be thankful for
my family 
my friends 
my future
my past 
 My battle will continue 
but your eyes will not always see
as the battles within me 
is between me and me. 

by Kayla   ©copyright Kayla Love 2014

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